Dr. Death

Title Screen

Title Screen
Dr. Death is a decision making game that takes place in a hospital. The player controls the Doctor and can choose whether to save or kill their patients. The game can therefore have a good or bad ending with a calm or thrilling gameplay respectively, exploring the theme of duality within the title.
Title: Cavern Escape
Genre: Platformer
Year: 2022
Role: Game Designer, Level Designer
Game Design

Game Start

Finding Items

Secondary interaction

Game Start
Dr. Death is a game that allows the player to make one of two choices: save or kill your patients. Having a time limit puts pressure on the player, requiring them to make quick decisions. The patients will spawn randomly in one of the many rooms, but the user will be able to know where thanks to audiovisual feedback. In case the player were to choose the more violent option, they won't be able to run amok, as they would be constantly raising the suspection bar, creating a sense of wariness and demanding attention with their following actions.